Friday, May 27, 2011

Rawr! Another Update!

  U P D A T

So, I have alotta updates to share with all you dinos! First off, I want to share this::

★ My Dino Cave: Creation Station  ★

& I'm taking a summer watercolor class on the beach and took these pretty shots::

Also, I have had pink hair for so long, among other colors but pinkie is my trademark ^-^. This time, I dyed my hair rainbow!::

♥ X0X0

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


 Hi Sweeties! All is well over here in coleydinosaur land. School has taken over all my time but today starts SUMMER :) So I now have time to blog, craft, create and do dino things! I have a 2 day craft fair this weekend! So I am excited for that! And new things are coming up on etsy all the time now! I drew the sign below for my shows! I Love what I am doing as well as what I have planned = happiness. ^___^ <3 xoxo coley